
  1. ホーム
  2. 業績
  3. 研究業績
  4. 2007年



  1. Toubai T, Shono Y, and Imamura M: The pathophisiology of acute graft-versus-host disease in allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Res. Adv. in Hematology 2007 2: 37-51


  1. Tanaka J, Sugita J, Kato N, Toubai T, Ibata M, Shono Y, Ota S, Kondo T, Kobayashi T, Kobayashi M, Asaka M, Imamura M: Expansion of NK receptor (CD94/NKG2A) -expressing cytolytic CD8 T cells and CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells from the same cord blood unit. Exp Hematol. 2007 Oct; 35(10): 1562-1566
  2. Kato N, Tanaka J, Sugita J, Toubai T, Miura Y, Ibata M, Shono Y, Ota S, Kondo T, Asaka M, Imamura M: Regulation of the expression of MHC class I-related chain A, B (MICA, MICB) via chromatin remodeling and its impact on the susceptibility of leukemic cells to the cytotoxicity of NKG2D-expressing cells. Leukemia 2007 Oct; 21(10): 2103-2108
  3. Atsuta Y, Suzuki R, Yoshimi A, Gondo H, Tanaka J, Hiraoka A, Kato K, Tabuchi K, Tsuchida M, Morishima Y, Mitamura M, Kawa K, Kato S, Nagamura T, Takanashi M, Kodera Y: Unification of Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation Registries in Japan and Establishment of the TRUMP System. Int J Hematol 2007 Oct; 86(3): 269-274
  4. Toubai T, Tanaka J, Ota S, Shigematsu A, Shono Y, Ibata M, Hashino S, Kondo T, Morioka M, Kakinoki Y, Masauzi N, Kasai M, Iwasaki H, Kurosawa M, Asaka M, and Imamura M: Efficacy and safety of micafungin in febrile neutropenic patients treated for hematological malignancies. Int Med. 2007 46(1): 3-9
  5. Shigematsu A, Adachi Y, Koike-Kiriyama N, Suzuki Y, Iwasaki M, Koike Y, Nakano K, Mukaide H, Imamura M, and Ikehara S: Effects of low-dose irradiation on enhancement of immunity by dendritic cells. J Radiat Res. 2007 Jan; 48(1): 51-55
  6. Koike-Kiriyama N, Koike Y, Adachi Y, Mukaide H, Minamino K, Shigematsu A, Kamiyama Y, Matsumura M, and Ikehara S: Intra-bone marrow injection of dendritic cells for treatment of malignant tumor in mice. J Exp Clin Cancer Res. 2007 Sep; 26(3): 337-342
  7. Inaba M, Adachi Y, Hisha H, Hosaka N, Maki M, Ueda Y, Koike Y, Miyake T, Fukui J, Cui Y, Mukaide H, Koike N, Omae M, Mizokami T, Shigematsu A, Sakaguchi Y, Tsuda M, Okazaki S, Wang X, Li Q, Nishida A, Ando Y, Guo K, Song C, Cui W, Feng W, Katou J, Sado K, Nakamura S, and Ikehara S: Extensive studies on perfusion method plus intra-bone marrow-bone marrow transplantation using cynomolgus monkeys. Stem Cells 2007 Aug; 25(8): 2098-2103
  8. Mukaide H, Adachi Y, Koike-Kiriyama N, Suzuki Y, Minamino K, Iwasaki M, Tsuda M, Nakano K, Koike Y, Shigematsu A, Kamiyama Y, and Ikehara S: Immunotherapy for malignant tumors using combination of allogeneic intra-bone marrow bone marrow transplantation, donor lymphocytes infusion and dendritic cells. Int J Oncol. 2007 Jun; 30(6): 1309-1315
  9. Koike Y, Adachi Y, Suzuki Y, Iwasaki M, Koike-Kiriyama N, Minamino K, Nakano K, Mukaide H, Shigematsu A, Kiyozuka Y, Tubura A, Kamiyama Y, and Ikehara S: Allogeneic intra-bone marrow-bone marrow transplantation plus donor lymphocyte infusion suppresses growth of colon cancer cells implanted in skin and liver of rats. Stem Cells 2007 Feb; 25(2): 385-391
  10. Shigemura. M, Moriyama. T, Shibuya. H, Obara. M, Endo. T, Hashino. S, Yokouchi. H, Asaka. M, Shimizu. C, Chiba. H, Nishimura. M: Multiple myeloma associated with sialyl salivary-type amylase. Clin Chim Acta. 2007 Feb; 376(1-2); 121-125
  11. Saito. N, Konishi. K, Ohta. S, Kondo. T, Kato. M, Hashino. S, Takeda. H, Asaka. M, Ooi. H-K: Plural light chain in a single plasma cell of a monoclonal gammopathy undetermined significance case: an ultrastructural study. Hum Cell. 2007 Feb; 20(1): 10-14
  12. Endo T, Nishio M, Enzler T, Cottam HB, Fukuda T, James DF, Karin M, Kipps TJ: BAFF and APRIL support chronic lymphocytic leukemia B-cell survival through activation of the canonical NF-kappaB pathway. Blood 2007 Jan 15; 109(2): 703-710
  13. Nishio M, Fujimoto K, Yamamoto S, Endo T, Sakai T, Obara M, Kumano K, Yamaguchi K, Takeda Y, Goto H, Sato N, Koizumi K, Mukai M, Koike T: Delayed redistribution of CD27, CD40 and CD80 positive B cells and the impaired in vitro immunoglobulin production in patients with non-Hodgkin lymphoma after rituximab treatment as an adjuvant to autologous stem cell transplantation. Br J Haematol. 2007 May; 137(4): 349-354
  14. Cui H, Darmanin S, Natsuisaka M, Kondo T, Asaka M, Shindoh M, Higashino F, Hamuro J, Okada F, Kobayashi M, Nakagawa K, Koide H and Kobayashi M: Enhanced expression of asparagine synthetase under glucose-deprived conditions protects pancreatic cancer cells from apoptosis induced by glucose deprivation and cisplatin. Cancer Res. 2007 Apr 1; 67(7): 3345-3355
  15. Natsuizaka M, Ozasa M, Darmanin S, Miyamoto M, Kondo S, Kamada S, Shindoh M, Higashino F, Suhara W, Koide H, Aita K, Nakagawa K, Kondo T, Asaka M, Okada F and Kobayashi M: Synergistic up-regulation of Hexokinase-2, glucose transporters and angiogenic factors in pancreatic cancer cells by glucose deprivation and hypoxia. Exp Cell Res. 2007 Sep 10; 313(15): 3337-3348


  1. Yanagi. T, Matsumura. T, Kamekura. R, Sasaki. N, Hashino. S: Relapsing polycondritis and malignant lymphoma: is polycondritis paraneoplastic? Arch Dermatol. 2007 Jan; 143(1): 89-90
  2. Nakagawa. M, Hashino. S, Takahata. M, Kawamura. T, Fujisawa. F, Kahata. K, Kondo. T, Imamura. M, Ando. S, Asaka. M, the Clinical Oncology Forum (COF): Successful reduced-intensity stem cell transplantation with cord blood for a poor-prognostic adult with refractory chronic active Epstein-Barr virus infection. Int J Hematol. 2007 Jun; 85(5): 443-445
  3. Onozawa. M, Hashino. S, Takahashi. S, Morita. R, Kanamori. H, Kahata. K, Kondo. T, Asaka. M: Acute-onset pancytopenia in a postpartum lactating woman. Int J Hematol. 2007 Nov; 86(4): 374-376
  4. Minauchi K, Nishio M, Itoh T, Yamamoto S, Fujimoto K, Sato N, Koike T: Hepatosplenic α/β T cell lymphoma presenting with cold agglutinin disease. Ann Hematol. 2007 Feb; 86(2): 155-157
  5. Saito N, Konishi K, Ohta S, Kondo T, Kato M, Hashino S, Takeda H, Asaka M and Ooi HK: Plural light chains in a single plasma cell of a monoclonal gammopathy undetermined significance case: an ultrastructural study. Hum Cell. 2007 Feb; 20(1): 10-14


  1. 今村雅寛:自家末梢血幹細胞移植.造血器腫瘍 基礎・臨床領域における最新の研究動向 日本臨床 65(増刊号1):429-432,2007.
  2. 今村雅寛:高齢者血液疾患への対応.日本老年医学会雑誌 44:587-590,2007.
  3. 田中淳司:抗腫瘍免疫におけるNKレセプター発現細胞の役割.血液フロンテイア 17:55-64,2007.
  4. 田中淳司:NK細胞レセプターと同種免疫反応.血液・腫瘍科 55:118-127,2007.
  5. 田中淳司:移植後GVHD.血液・腫瘍科 55:674-680,2007.
  6. 橋野 聡:Helicobacter研究の年間レビュー 非胃・十二指腸疾患とのかかわり Helicobacter Research. 11;159-167,2007.
  7. 遠藤知之:「BAFFとAPRILによるCLL細胞の生存維持」、血液・腫瘍科、科学評論社、55: 445-450、2007


  1. 重松明男,足立 靖,小柳津治樹,松本憲明,桐山直子,向出裕美,今村雅寛,福原資郎,池原 進: 同種骨髄移植後に,水痘帯状疱疹ウイルス感染症から血栓性微小血管障害を発症したと考えられた1剖検例 診断病理 24:348-354,2007
  2. 河上 洋,桒谷将城,藤谷好弘,上林 実,小西康平,牧山裕顯,橋野 聡,久保田佳奈子,伊藤智雄,浅香正博:G-CSF産生膵管癌の1例 日本消化器病学会雑誌.104;233-238,2007.
  3. 橋野 聡:消化器内科以外の診療科からの除菌症例報告 その1 血液内科より(ITP)Helicobacter Research. 11:201-204,2007.


  1. 杉田純一,平手大輔,井端 淳,庄野雄介,加藤菜穂子,太田秀一,田中淳司,今村雅寛:同種造血幹細胞移植後のT細胞受容体(TCR)レパトアの推移と臨床病態の解析 無菌生物 37(2):129-133,2007


  1. 今村雅寛:同種造血幹細胞移植術 杉本恒明,矢崎義雄総編集 内科学 朝倉書店(東京)第9版 1597-1598,2007.
  2. 今村雅寛:同種臍帯血移植 杉本恒明,矢崎義雄総編集 内科学 朝倉書店(東京)第9版 1598-1599,2007.
  3. 今村雅寛:ミニ移植 杉本恒明,矢崎義雄総編集 内科学 朝倉書店(東京)第9 版 1599-1600,2007.
  4. 今村雅寛:同種造血幹細胞移植後合併症の予防と治療 杉本恒明,矢崎義雄総編集 内科学 朝倉書店(東京)第9版 1600-1601,2007.
  5. 熱田由子,鈴木律朗,吉見礼美,権藤久司,田中淳司,平岡 諦,加藤剛二,田淵 健,土田昌宏,森島泰雄,三田村真,河 敬世,加藤俊一,長村登紀子,高梨美乃子,小寺良尚:本邦における造血細胞移植登録の一元化と「移植登録一元化管理プログラム(TRUMP)」の作成 臨床血液 48: 1462-1469,2007.