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  4. 2005年



  1. Tanaka J, Asaka M, Imamura M: Potential role of NK cell receptor-expressing cells in the immunotherapy of leukemia. Int J Hematol 2005 Jan;81(1):6-12
  2. Tanaka J: Expansion of NK cell receptor-expressing cells for cell therapy. Low Temperature Medicine 2005 31: 17-21


  1. Tanaka J, Iwao N, Toubai T, Tsutsumi Y, Miura Y, Kato N, Shigematsu A, Yamane M, Ota S, Kondo T, Kobayashi T, Takeda H, Kobayashi M, Asaka M, Imamura M: Cytolytic activity against primary leukemic cells by inhibitory NK cell receptor (CD94/NKG2A)-expressing T cells expanded from various sources of blood mononuclear cells. Leukemia 2005 Mar; 19(3): 486-489
  2. Toubai T, Tanaka J, Ota S, Fukuhara, T, Hashino S, Kondo T, Kasai M, Kakinoki Y, Masauzi N, Morioka M, Kawamura T, Iwasaki H, Asaka M, Imamura M: Minimal residual disease (MRD) monitoring using rearrangement of T-cell receptor and immunoglobulin H gene in the treatment of adult acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients. Am J Hematol. 2005 Nov; 80(3): 181-187
  3. Tanaka J, Toubai T, Iwao N, Tsutsumi Y, Kato N, Miura Y, Shigematsu A, Hirate D, Ota S, Asaka M, Imamura M: The immunosuppressive agent FK506 enhances the cytolytic activity of inhibitory natural killer cell receptor (CD94/NKG2A)-expressing CD8 T cells. Transplantation 2005 Dec 27; 80(12): 1813-1815
  4. Fujimura K, Kuwana M, Kurata Y, Imamura M, Harada H, Sakamaki H, Teramura M, Koda K, Nomura S, Sugihira A, Shimomura T, Fujimoto T-T, Oyashiki K, Ikeda Y: Is eradication therapy useful as the first line of treatment in Helicobacter pyloripositive idiopathic thrombocytopenic purpura? Analysis of 207 eradicated chronic IT Pcases in Japan. Int J Hematol. 2005 Feb; 81(2): 162-168
  5. Teshima T, Matsuo K, Matsue K, Kawano F, Taniguchi S, Hara M, Hatanaka K, Tanimoto M, Harada M, Nakao S, Abe Y, Wake A, Eto T, Takemoto Y, Imamura M, Takahashi S, Ishida Y, Kanda Y, Kasai M, and Takaue Y: Impact of HLA mismatch on graft-versus-host disease and graft failure after reduced intensity conditioning allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation from related donors. Br J Haematol. 2005 Aug; 130(4): 575-587
  6. Natsuga K, Akiyama M, Shimizu T, Suzuki T, Ito S, Tomita Y, Tanaka J, Shimizu H: Ultrastructural features of trafficking defects are pronounced in melanocytic nevus in hermansky-pudlak syndrome type 1. J Invest Dermatol 2005 Jul; 125(1): 154-158
  7. Yanada M, Naoe T, Iida H, Sakamaki H, Sakura T, Kanamori H, Kodera Y, Okamoto S, Kanda Y, Sao H, Asai O, Nakai K, Maruta A, Kishi K, Furukawa T, Atsuta Y, Yamamoto K, Tanaka J, Takahashi S: Myeloablative allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for Philadelphia chromosome-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia in adults: significant roles of total body irradiation and chronic graft-versus-host disease. Bone Marrow Transplant. 2005 Nov; 36(10): 867-872
  8. Onozawa M, Yonezumi M, Kawarazaki M, Izumiyama K, Chiba K, Kondo T, Ota S, Kobayashi S, Kato M, Hashino S, Tanaka J, Imamura M, Asaka M: Usefulness of magnifying endoscopic evaluation of the terminal ileum for a patient with graft-versus-host disease after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. Ann Hematol. 2005 Feb; 84(2): 106-109
  9. Onozawa M, Hashino S, Izumiyama K, Kahata K, Chuma M, Mori A, Kondo T, Toyoshima N, Ota S, Kobayashi S, Hige S, Toubai T, Tanaka J, Imamura M, Asaka M: Progressive disappearance of anti-hepatitis B surface antigen antibody and reverse seroconversion after allogeneic hematopoietic transplantation in patients with previous hepatitis B virus infection. Transplantation 2005 Mar 15; 79(5): 616-619
  10. Nishio M, Endo T, Tsukada N, Ohata J, Zvaifler N, Kipps TJ: Nurselike cells express BAFF and APRIL, which can promote survival of chronic lymphocytic leukemia cells via a paracrine pathway distinct from that of SDF-1alpha. Blood 2005 Aug 1; 106(3): 1012-1020
  11. Nishio M, Endo T, Fujimoto K, Sato N, Sakai T, Obara M, Kumano K, Minauchi K, Koike T: Persistent panhypogammaglobulinemia with selected loss of memory B cells and impaired isotype expression after rituximab therapy for post-transplant EBV-associated autoimmune hemolytic anemia. Eur J Haematol. 2005 Dec; 75(6): 527-529
  12. Tanaka J, Iwao N, Toubai T, Tsutsumi Y, Miura Y, Kato N, Shigematsu A, Yamane M, Ota S, Kondo T, Kobayashi T, Takeda H, Kobayashi M, Asaka M, Imamura M: Cytolytic activity against primary leukemic cells by inhibitory NK cell receptor (CD94/NKG2A)-expressing T cells expanded from various sources of blood mononuclear cells. Leukemia 2005 Mar; 19(3): 486-489
  13. Zhao W, Darmanin S, Fu Q, Chen J, Cui H, Wang J, Okada F, Hamada J, Hattori Y, Kondo T, Hamuro J, Asaka M and Kobayashi M: Hypoxia suppresses the production of matrix metalloproteinases and the migration of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells. Eur J Immunol. 2005 Dec;35(12): 3468-3477


  1. Toubai T, Tanaka J, Higa T, Ota S, Ibata M, Shono Y, Mashiko S, Miura Y, Umehara S, Kahata K, Toyoshima N, Morioka M, Asaka M, Kasai M, Imamura M: Long-term follow-up of a patient with idiopathic myelofibrosis associated with chromosome 11 and 13 abnormalities. Am J Hematol. 2005 Jan; 78(1): 67-70
  2. Toubai T, Tanaka J, Ota S, Mori A, Ibata M, Shono Y, Mashiko S, Sugita J, Miura Y, Kato N, Umehara S, Kahata K, Toyoshima N, Asaka M, Imamura M: Successful reduced-intensity stem cell transplantation (RIST) for a patient with malignant lymphoma and an ileostomy. Intern Med. 2005 May; 44(5): 476-479
  3. Toubai T, Tanaka J, Higa T, Iwao N, Shigematsu A, Kato N, Watanabe K, Sudo J, Kasai M, Imamura M: t(1:3)(q10;p10) and chromosome 7 abnormality associated with the progression of multiple myeloma. Clin Lab Haematol 2005 Oct; 27(5): 355-356
  4. Onozawa M, Hashino S, Sobage S, Haneda M, Horimoto H, Izumiyama K, Kondo T, Aldana LP, Hamada K, Asaka M.: Side effects and good effects from new chemotherapeutic agents. Case 2. Thalidomaide-induced interstitial pneumonitis. J Clin Oncol. 2005 Apr 1; 23(10): 2425-2426
  5. Takahata M, Hashino S, Okada A, Fujisawa F, Kondo T, Asaka M.: Myoclonus caused by high-dose melphalan as conditioning for autologous stem cell transplantation. Low Temperature Medicine 2005 31:36-37
  6. Goto H, Nishio M, Endo T, Sato N, Koizumi K, Fujimoto K, Sakai T, Kumano K, Obara M, Koike T: Effective in vivo purging with rituximab and autologous peripheral blood stem cell transplantation in a woman with CD5 positive primary cutaneous diffuse large B-cell lymphoma. Eur J Haematol. 2005 Jun; 74(6): 526-528


  1. 今村雅寛:GVHDの対策と治療.別冊・医学のあゆみ 血液疾患―state of arts Ver.3,528-532,2005
  2. 今村雅寛:造血幹細胞移植の現況と課題.日本医事新報 4258:6-11,2005
  3. 今村雅寛:骨髄移植の実態と合併症.腎と透析 59:955-960,2005
  4. 田中淳司:NK細胞によるGVLRの増強とGVHRの抑制.臨床免疫 44:521-529,2005
  5. 橋野 聡:ヘリコバクターピロリ感染と特発性血小板減少性紫斑病.化学療法の領域 21:973-979, 2005
  6. 橋野 聡:特発性血小板減少性紫斑病(ITP).日本臨床 63:suppl 11 (303-307), 2005
  7. 橋野 聡:胃外疾患とH. pylori.医学のあゆみ 214:3421-3426, 2005
  8. 橋野 聡:Helicobacter pylori感染とITP―除菌治療反応例の機序解析に迫る―. Helicobacter Research 9:287-288, 2005
  9. 橋野 聡:Helicobacter pylori除菌治療でITPは完治するか?そして再感染者はITPが再燃するか? Helicobacter Research 9:514-519, 2005
  10. 西尾充史:「濾胞性リンパ腫」『内科』96、238-243、2005
  11. 藤本勝也、小池隆夫:「生涯教育シリーズXVIII『7. HIV感染症』」北海道医報 第10号、2005
  12. 藤本勝也、小池隆夫:「HIV感染症」日本臨床内科医会会誌 第20巻4号、2005
  13. 山本聡:「ドナーTNF-によるGVH反応の抑制」 臨床免疫 43(3); 314-317、2005


  1. 曽我部進,橋野 聡,小野澤真弘,守田玲菜,太宰昌佳,夏井坂光輝,小野雄司,泉山 康,中馬 誠,近藤 健,髭 修平,大野稔子,渡部恵子,石津明洋,浅香正博:HIV/HCV重複感染の治療経過中,急速に致死的肝不全を来した血友病Aの1例.日本エイズ学会誌 7:37-42, 2005
  2. 大西新介,敦賀陽介,正村裕紀,前田好章,近藤正男,佐藤裕二,藤堂 省,橋野 聡,伊藤智雄:甲状腺原発悪性リンパ腫治療中に小腸穿孔を発症した1例.日本臨床外科学会雑誌 66:786, 2005


  1. 東梅友美, 田中淳司, 太田秀一, 加藤菜穂子, 梅原伸太郎, 加畑 馨, 豊島經康, 浅香正博, 今村雅寛:造血器悪性腫瘍患者の好中球減少時におけるイトラコナゾールカプセル剤200mg/日投与の真菌感染症の予防効果. The Japanese journal of antibiotics 58:507-517, 2005